首页 帮助指南 法规参考 REACH法规—物品中物质的注册


第7条  物品中物质的注册和通报

1. 如果满足下列两个条件,物品的任何生产商或进口商应为其物品中所含的任何物质向化学品管理局提交注册
(a) 物质在物品中的总含量大于或等于1t/a/制造商或进口商(吨每年每制造商或进口商);
(b) 打算在正常使用和可合理预见的使用条件下释放的物质。


Article 7    Registration and notification of substances in articles

1. Any producer or importer of articles shall submit a registration to the Agency for any substance contained in those articles, if both the following conditions are met:

(a) the substance is present in those articles in quantities totalling over one tonne per producer or importer per year; 

(b) the substance is intended to be released under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use.